Shiotsu-jinja Shrine (鹽津神社)

Shiotsu-jinja Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Nishiazai-cho, Ika County, Shiga Prefecture.

The enshrined deities

Shiotsuchinooji no kami

Hikohohodemi no mikoto

Toyotama hime

The crest for the shrine



The first enshrinement date is unknown. It is an Engishikinaisha ronja (a Shinto shrine considered to be a descendant of shrines listed in Engishiki laws). It was listed as a sonsha (a village shrine) in 1876 and a gosha (a regional shrine) in 1884. In 2008 five sculptures of deities were unearthed from the site of a shrine in nearby Shiotsuhama ruins. The research into the connection between Shiotsu-jinja Shrine and the sculptures is called for.


Reisai (regular festival)

It is held on April 18.

The shrines in the precincts

Hachiman-jinja Shrine

Kotohira-jinja Shrine

Atago-jinja Shrine

[Original Japanese]